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About Our School

Mata Mariam Jan Seva Vidyalaya

Mata Mariam Jan Seva Vidyalaya was established by Delhi Catholic Archdiocese at Narnaul in April 1992 and is managed by the Society of Pilar, Goa, to impart education to children of all communities with special emphasis on character building, national integration, inculcation of patriotic spirit and secular outlook.

About Us

In the Service of God and nation' is the moto of school.

Principal's Message

It is an honor to be the principal of MMJSV. An illustrious heritage institution as it stands today is what it is because of the collaboration and passion of the Management, Teachers, Parents & Students down the ages. Therefore, let us continue to work together with passion as pilgrims of faith by putting all our energies together for one common goal: to inculcate compassion and care in our society, in view of shaping individuals who are responsible for themselves and for others, individuals who will care for all creatures and the earth. 

Fr. John Marcus Fernandes

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